Masterclass @ Eighth Baking Studio
We run all kinds of classes at the studio. I teach mostly baking but I have other interesting people who occasionally use the space to teach their crafts. Since the studio is equipped with all things needed to bake, we run a lot more baking/cooking classes than anything else.

From Thai delicacies to Fine dining we’ve worked with prominent Indian restaurants such as Out of the Blue, Uno Mas and Happy Thai based in Kolkata and Mumbai.
We curate recipes, innovate new pairings, conduct expert training workshops and spread our love for creating beautiful desserts with our partners. We make birthdays, events and celebrations a whole lot sweeter.
What’s Hot?

I feel so happy looking at these eclairs! They are absolutely yum

Want this delightful cake to add some cheer to your days ?

Indulge in the best delicacies this Valentine’s Day!

Dive into the world of Eighth
Follow us on instagram for daily news, recipes, store updates and #foodspiration
Carter Road, Bandra
Mumbai, 400 050
MH, India.
+91 98202 67003
Tuesday - Friday
10am - 6pm
Saturday - Sunday
12pm - 5pm